Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Almost Been a Year????

Oh my!! Where has time disappeared to?? Oh wait, I remember, nursing school!! Between school, being a mommy, wife, and housekeeper, when I do have free time, my favorite thing to do is sit on the couch and watch mind numbing reality tv. :)
As you can see, Ava is growing like a weed. If she looks like a diva, that's because she is one...with a capital "D"!! She started pre-school this fall and she LOVES it!! She absolutely adores her teachers, and best of all, she's in the same class as her friends Zoey and Ava H.!! She has learned so much, so fast.
She just turned 4 at the beginning of the month. We had a small party with some family and friends. The house was crazy, but cozy. We all had a great time. We are so blessed with amazing family and friends!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Beauty!

I love this picture!! Ava has a smile just like her daddy!

February Fun!!

Ava and Owen playing!! Ava loves her Owen to pieces. He's such a precious boy!

The cutest divas I've ever seen!!

It's been FOREVER since my last post!! There's never a quiet moment in this house!! Ava is getting too big for her britches! She's such a funny girl!