Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dirty Looks!!

Don't let Ava fool you.....she can be mean!! ;)

Little Dipper!!

Miss Thang loves to dip just about anything in catsup or ranch!! She also licks her fingers when she's done. Ava's a handful!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

We Love Warm Days!!

Ava and Zoey had a super fun time playing outside...
They took turns swinging, played with rocks, and chased each other in the grass!!
I'm anxious to see them play at the pool this summer!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Finally Nice Outside!!

Ava LOVES to play outside!!! It took her a minute to get used
to walking on the grass, but she was running around in no time.
She is still growing like a weed. Her arms and legs are too long for most of her
winter clothes!! Thank goodness it will be warm soon...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ava's On the Run!!

Little Miss is almost 16 months old!!
She's like Forrest Gump, she runs everywhere she needs to go!!